Cefalometria e respirazione orale

A cephalometric comparison of subjects with snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea..pdf
A cephalometric study of children with chronic perennial allergic rhinitis..pdf
A longitudinal cephalometric study of the soft tissue profile of short- and long-face syndromes from 7 to 17 years..pdf
Association of lip posture and the dimensions of the tonsils and sagittal airway with facial morphology..pdf
Cephalometric assessment of the mandibular growth pattern in mouth-breathing children..pdf
Cephalometric evaluation of facial types in preschool children without sleep-related breathing disorder..pdf
Effect of obesity and erect supine posture on lateral cephalometry relationship to sleep-disordered breathing..pdf
Hyoid bone and atlas vertebra in established mouth breathers a cephalometric study..pdf
Obstructive sleep apnea and cephalometric roentgenograms. The role of anatomic upper airway abnormalities in the definition of abnormal breathing during sleep..pdf
Open-mouth versus closed-mouth radiographs of the nasopharynx in the evaluation of nasopharyngeal airway obstruction..pdf
Postural cephalometric analysis and nasal resistance in sleep-disordered breathing..pdf
Postural variation in oropharyngeal dimensions in subjects with sleep disordered breathing a cephalometric study.pdf
Radiocephalometric analysis of anteroposterior nasopharyngeal dimensions in 6-to 12-year-old mouth breathers compared with nose breathers..pdf
[Cephalometric study of skeletal-facial changes in oral respiration from obstruction].pdf
[Comparative cephalometric study between nasal and predominantly mouth breathers].pdf
[Influence of adenoidal vegetation on rhinopharyngeal obstruction cephalometric study].pdf
[Mouth breathing and cephalometric classification].pdf